Zip code area 98092 in Auburn, King County, WA
- State:WashingtonCounties:King County,Pierce CountyCities:AuburnCounties all:King | PierceCounty FIPS:53033 | 53053Area total:43.717 sq miArea land:42.899 sq miArea water:0.818 sq miElevation:1.442 feet
- Latitude:47,2922Longitude:-122,1655Dman name cbsa:Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue WATimezone:Pacific Standard Time (PST) UTC-8:00; Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) UTC-7:00Coordinates:47.28763, -122.12871GMAP:
Washington 98092, USA
- Population:50,845 individualsPopulation density:17,667.94 people per square milesHouseholds:550Unemployment rate:4.2%Household income:$101,725 average annual incomeHousing units:17,689 residential housing unitsHealth insurance:7.3% of residents who report not having health insuranceVeterans:0.9% of residents who are veterans
The ZIP 98092 is a West ZIP code and located in the preferred city/town Auburn, King County, Washington with a population estimated today at about 50.707 peoples. The preferred city may be different from the city where the zip code 98092 is located. Auburn is usually the name of the main post office. When sending a package or mail, always indicate your preferred or accepted cities. Using any city from the list of invalid cities may result in delays.
Living in the postal code area 98092 of Auburn, King County, Washington 50.0% of population who are male and 50.0% who are female.
The median age for all people, for males & for females based on 2020 Census data. Median is the middle value, when all possible values are listed in order. Median is not the same as Average (or Mean).
Household income staggered according to certain income ranges.
The median commute time of resident workers require for a one-way commute to work in minutes.
The distribution of different age groups in the population of the zip code area of Auburn, King County 98092.
The percentage distribution of the population by race.
Estimated residential value of individual residential buildings as a percentage.
The age of the building does not always say something about the structural condition of the residential buildings.
The percentage of education level of the population.
King County
- State:WashingtonCounty:King CountyZips:98114,98089,98035,98015,98141,98160,98181,98138,98071,98071,98224,98114,98194,98073,98015,98175,98013,98025,98062,98035,98139,98041,98111,98009,98127,98093,98165,98064,98124,98063,98113,98148,98174,98004,98198,98083,98161,98050,98288,98148,98166,98158,98168,98158,98039,98166,98001,98155,98164,98056,98051,98198,98146,98148,98001,98148,98010,98059,98177,98168,98024,98154,98177,98014,98047,98148,98188,98077,98155,98178,98075,98188,98146,98019,98168,98074,98053,98042,98065,98042,98056,98058,98059,98136,98155,98023,98168,98029,98092,98028,98198,98045,98070,98126,98008,98031,98106,98055,98133,98199,98038,98030,98195,98040,98117,98166,98022,98011,98144,98116,98006,98188,98001,98112,98007,98133,98102,98134,98119,98118,98002,98125,98121,98072,98057,98027,98115,98108,98034,98107,98033,98122,98005,98109,98003,98105,98032,98052,98103,98004,98101,98104Coordinates:47.4909231229131, -121.83595172610606Area total:2307.45 sq. mi., 5976.28 sq. km, 1476769.92 acresArea land:2115.28 sq. mi., 5478.56 sq. km, 1353781.12 acresArea water:192.17 sq. mi., 497.72 sq. km, 122988.80 acresEstablished:1852Capital seat:
Address: 516 3Rd Ave
County Courthouse
Seattle, WA 98104-2385
Governing Body: County Council with 9 board size
Governing Authority: Home Rule
King County, Washington, United States
- Website:
- Population:2,269,675; Population change: 17.52% (2010 - 2020)Population density:1,073 persons per square mileHousehold income:$66,008Households:774,392Unemployment rate:7.50% per 1,286,608 county labor force
- Sales taxes:8.90%GDP:$294.33 B, gross domestic product (GDP)
King County's population of Washington of 463,517 residents in 1930 has increased 4,9-fold to 2,269,675 residents after 90 years, according to the official 2020 census. U.S. Bureau of the Census beginning in 1900. Data for 1870-1890 are on a de facto or unspecified basis; data for 1900 and later years are resident totals.
Approximately 49.96% female residents and 50.04% male residents live in as of 2020, 53.41% in King County, Washington are married and the remaining 46.59% are single population.
As of 2020, 53.41% in King County, Washington are married and the remaining 46.59% are single population.
- Housing units:969,234 residential units of which 94.69% share occupied residential units.
29.1 minutes is the average time that residents in King County require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
68.93% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 11.95% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 9.32% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 4.45% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in King County, Washington 56.20% are owner-occupied homes, another 38.18% are rented apartments, and the remaining 5.62% are vacant.
The 35.07% of the population in King County, Washington who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.
Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party (here in 2022 = 28.030%) and the Democratic Party (here in 2022 = 69.970%) of those eligible to vote in King County, Washington.
Pierce County
- State:WashingtonCounty:Pierce CountyZips:98430,98448,98344,98352,98413,98496,98412,98430,98464,98415,98419,98464,98496,98448,98395,98344,98439,98417,98411,98558,98401,98416,98323,98330,98433,98493,98433,98385,98431,98351,98375,98394,98396,98374,98447,98303,98431,98439,98444,98407,98438,98304,98333,98433,98467,98424,98372,98371,98349,98388,98443,98498,98391,98467,98329,98580,98465,98466,98327,98466,98354,98446,98360,98422,98418,98328,98498,98499,98321,98403,98338,98445,98408,98404,98375,98421,98407,98374,98332,98391,98387,98424,98371,98406,98466,98390,98444,98372,98373,98402,98405,98335,98499,98409Coordinates:47.03760539058801, -122.13722295010203Area total:1805.46 sq. mi., 4676.12 sq. km, 1155495.04 acresArea land:1668.05 sq. mi., 4320.23 sq. km, 1067551.36 acresArea water:137.41 sq. mi., 355.89 sq. km, 87943.68 acresEstablished:1853Capital seat:
Address: 930 Tacoma Ave S Bldg County-City
Tacoma, WA 98402-2105
Governing Body: County Council with 7 board size
Governing Authority: Home Rule
Pierce County, Washington, United States
- Website:
- Population:921,130; Population change: 15.83% (2010 - 2020)Population density:552 persons per square mileHousehold income:$57,667Households:298,592Unemployment rate:9.60% per 450,196 county labor force
- Sales taxes:8.80%GDP:$41.49 B, gross domestic product (GDP)
Pierce County's population of Washington of 163,842 residents in 1930 has increased 5,62-fold to 921,130 residents after 90 years, according to the official 2020 census. U.S. Bureau of the Census beginning in 1900. Data for 1870-1890 are on a de facto or unspecified basis; data for 1900 and later years are resident totals.
Approximately 50.52% female residents and 49.48% male residents live in as of 2020, 58.19% in Pierce County, Washington are married and the remaining 41.81% are single population.
As of 2020, 58.19% in Pierce County, Washington are married and the remaining 41.81% are single population.
- Housing units:359,489 residential units of which 94.53% share occupied residential units.
31.4 minutes is the average time that residents in Pierce County require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
76.99% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 13.12% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 2.54% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 3.62% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Pierce County, Washington 60.47% are owner-occupied homes, another 33.04% are rented apartments, and the remaining 6.49% are vacant.
The 28.02% of the population in Pierce County, Washington who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.
Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party (here in 2022 = 42.760%) and the Democratic Party (here in 2022 = 54.880%) of those eligible to vote in Pierce County, Washington.
- State:WashingtonCounty:King CountyCity:AuburnCounty FIPS:53033Coordinates:47°18′8″N 122°12′53″WArea total:29.87 sq mi (77.35 km²)Area land:29.58 sq mi (76.60 km²)Area water:0.29 sq mi (0.75 km²)Elevation:82.62 ft (25 m)
- Latitude:47,3102Longitude:-122,2301Dman name cbsa:Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WATimezone:Pacific Standard Time (PST) UTC-8:00; Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) UTC-7:00ZIP codes:98001,98002,98071,98092GMAP:
Auburn, King County, Washington, United States
- Population:87,256Population density:2,754.30 residents per square mile of area (1,063.45/km²)Household income:$46,529Households:18,287Unemployment rate:9.80%
- Sales taxes:8.90%
Auburn is a city in King County, Washington, United States (with a small portion crossing into neighboring Pierce County). The population was 87,256 at the 2020 Census. Auburn is a suburb in the Seattle metropolitan area, and is currently ranked as the 14th largest city in the state of Washington. The name Auburn was chosen in honor of Auburn, New York, for the area's shared reliance on hops farming. Two rivers, the White River and, to a greater extent, the Green River flow through Auburn. The city is bordered by the cities of Federal Way, Pacific, and Algona to the west, Sumner to the south, Kent to the north, and unincorporated King County to the east. The Muckleshoot Indian Reservation lies to the southwest and southeast of the city. In 2008, Auburn annexed the West Hill and Lea Hill neighborhoods of uninc incorporated King County, adding 15,000 residents and expanding its land area by 26 percent. The White and Green Rivers have been a major part of the history and culture of Auburn since the area was settled with multiple locations in the city being named after either of the two rivers. In 1906, the flow of the. White River was diverted into the Stuck's channel near today's Game Farm Park. The Stuck River ran through the settlement of Stuck, which is now a small pocket of. unincorporated King County within southern Auburn. In 1917 the city, in response to the growing of the Japanese community, donated some of the land in Pioneer Cemetery to the White river Buddhist Church.
Auburn is the primary city name, but also Algona, Federal Way are acceptable city names or spellings. Auburn was named Slaughter for an officer slain during the Indian wars in 1855. The name was changed to Auburn in 1893 by an action of the state legislature. It was chosen in honor of Auburn, New York, for the area's shared reliance on hops farming. In 2008, Auburn annexed the West Hill and Lea Hill neighborhoods of unincorporated King County, adding 15,000 residents and expanding its land area by 26 percent. In 1917 the city, in response to the growing of the Japanese community, donated some of the land in Pioneer Cemetery to the White River Buddhist Church. In 1930 a Japanese bath house was constructed outside of Neely Mansion by the then current tenants. The onset of the Second World War saw the Japanese-American community of Auburn become seen with largely unwarranted distrust by many of the white residents of Auburn. This, combined with a larger countrywide Japanese focused xenophobia, led to the city's Japanese- American population being relocated to internment camps. After the war, of about 300 Japanese families living in Auburn only around twenty five returned. The White River All-Stars enjoyed particularly large success winning four of the July 4th tournaments in the interwar period. The city is home to several baseball teams from the area, the most successful of which was the Auburn All-stars, who won four games in a row in the 1920s and 1930s. It is also home to the Auburn High School, which was founded in the 1930s and is one of the oldest high schools in the state.
Two rivers, the White River and, to a greater extent, the Green River flow through Auburn. The Stuck River ran through the settlement of Stuck, which is now a small pocket of unincorporated King County within southern Auburn. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 29.89 square miles (77.41 km²) of which 29.62 sq miles (76.72 km² is land and 0.27sq miles (0.70km²) is water. The city is located in King and Pierce counties, and is located near Lakeland Hills and North Lake Tapps. It is located on the eastern edge of King County, and on the western edge of Pierce County, between the cities of Auburn and Federal Way. It has a population of about 30,000 (30,000 in 2010) and is home to the University of Washington, Washington State University, and the College of Southern Washington. It also has a number of private colleges, including Green River Community College, which was annexed into the city in 2007. In 2010, it was the largest city in King County and the second-largest city in Pierce County. It was also the most populous city in Washington state, followed by Seattle and Seattle-King County, with a total population of more than 25,000. It had the highest per capita income in the state in 2010, with $1.2 billion in sales and $2.1 billion in net income.
As of the census of 2010, there were 70,180 people, 26,058 households, and 17,114 families residing in the city. The population density was 2,369.3 inhabitants per square mile (914.8/km²) The racial makeup of the city was 70.5% White, 4.9% African American, 2.3% Native American, 8.9%. Asian, 1.6% Pacific Islander, 6.3%. Hispanic or Latino people of any race were 12.9! of the population. The city's median age was 34.4 years. There were 329 violent crimes and 3,516 property crimes per 100,000 residents. Of these, the violent crimes consisted of 9 murders, 38 forcible rapes, 122 robberies and 160 aggravated assaults. 569 burglaries, 2,248 larceny-thefts, 680 motor vehicle thefts and 19 acts of arson defined the property offenses. The average household size was 2.67 and the average family size was 3.22. The gender makeup was 49.4% male and 50.6%, with the median age at 34. 4 years. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the city's population will reach 70,000 by the end of the decade. The current population estimate is 70,200. The estimated population growth rate for the city over the next decade is 2.7%. The city has a population of 1.2 million. The growth rate over the past decade has been 2.1% per year.
As of 2020, 68.9% of the population is in the labor force with a 3.7% unemployment rate. The Auburn Boeing Plant, opened in 1966, is the largest airplane parts plant in the world. With over 5,000 employees, the Boeing plant is the third major employer in Auburn. The Outlet Collection Seattle, formerly SuperMall of the Great Northwest, is an outlet mall which opened in 1995. According to Auburn's 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the top employers in the city are: United States General Services Administration (USGS) and The Outlets Collection Seattle (OTC) The city is home to the Northwest headquarters of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) It is also the site of the National Football League (NFL) headquarters and the Seattle Seahawks' Seattle Super Bowl XLVIII home field. The city has a population of 2.2 million, the highest in the state of Washington, and the lowest in the United States in terms of population. It is located in the Pacific Northwest, near the border with Washington state and Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. It has an estimated population of 1.7 million, with the majority of its residents living in or near the Seattle metropolitan area, which has an average population of 3.3 million. The population of Auburn is 2.4 million, which is the second highest in Washington, after Seattle. It also has the highest percentage of residents who live outside of Washington state, at 2.7%.
Arts and culture
The White River Valley Museum's exhibits focus on the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, pioneer life, truck farming, railroading and the building of towns throughout the area. The White River Amphitheater is a 20,000-seat venue, located about 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) southeast of the city limits. It is part of the Les Gove Park, a 20 acre community campus south of State Route 164. Fourth of July and other celebrations such as Auburn Good Ol' Days are also held in Les Goves annually. Auburn is designated by the Veterans Day National Committee and the US Department of Veterans Affairs as a Regional Site for celebration of Veterans Day. The city is home to the King County Library System, which was built in 2000 and expanded in 2012 having replaced an earlier, nearby location. The library is located in a 20-year-old, 1,900-square-foot (1,900 m2) facility. The museum's exhibits include a recreation of a pioneer cabin, climb aboard a Northern Pacific Railway caboose, and investigate a recreations of the shops in 1924 downtown Auburn. It also includes a senior center, and other recreational services. The Museum is open to the public and is located on the grounds of the Auburn Public Library, which is also located in the town's downtown area. It was opened in 2000, and is currently open to visitors and the public. It has a collection of more than 2,000 pieces of memorabilia, including photographs, maps, maps and other memorabilia.
Emerald Downs is a 167-acre (0.68 km²) six-level stadium and thoroughbred racetrack. It is operated on land purchased by the Muckleshoot in 2002. The track is home to the world-renowned thoroughbred racing team. The stadium has a capacity of 4,000 people. It was built in the 1970s and 1980s on land that was previously used as a football field. It has a track surface of 1.5 acres (3.4 km) and a stadium capacity of 6,000. It also has a thoroughbred track, which is open to the public. The racetracks are owned and operated by a group of private owners, including the Mucksleshoot, who bought the land in 2002 for $1.5 million. The race track has a total capacity of 1,500 people (6,000 capacity) with a stadium that can hold up to 4,500 spectators. It opened in 1978 and is located on a site that was once used as the home of a horse racing track. Its track surface is 1.4 acres (4.5 km) in size. It features a six- level stadium with a ground surface of 2,000 feet (100m) in length. It can also have a track that is covered by a grass surface of up to 2,500 feet (600m) and has a stadium seating capacity of 5,000 spectators. The racing track is owned by a private company, which owns the track.
Parks and recreation
Auburn has an extensive system of parks, open space and urban trails. The city has 28 developed parks, over 23 mi (37 km) of trails and almost 247 acres (100 ha) of open space for passive and active recreation. Auburn's Inter-urban Trail is 4.5 mi (7.2 km) for bikers, walkers, runners and skaters. Auburn is home to the U.S. Open, which is held every year in the summer. The U.N. World Cup is held in Auburn every year from August to September. Auburn also hosts the Winter Olympics, which runs from January to February. The Winter Games are held from February to March each year in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Winter Paralympics are held in March and April each year. The Paralympic Games will be held from March to April in Sochi, Russia, in 2014. The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi will be the first Winter Games to be held in the city of Auburn since the city opened its doors in 1968. The first Winter Olympics were held in 1988 and were the first to be hosted by the City of Auburn. The Games will take place from April to August 2014. They will feature a variety of sports, including skiing, snowboarding and other winter sports. The games will also feature an array of entertainment venues, such as a zip line and an ice-skating rink, as well as a large number of outdoor sports fields. The town also has a number of trails, including a portion of the Inter-Urban Trail.
The city of Auburn is a mayor-council form of government. The mayor is a full-time, separately elected position. The current Mayor is Nancy Backus, who was first elected to the post in 2013 and re-elected in 2017 and 2021. She is the first woman to serve in the office since Auburn was incorporated in 1891. The Auburn Police Department is located within the Justice Building, along with the Municipal Court and jail. The city's mayor is elected for a four-year term, with the possibility of a fifth term in 2021. The City of Auburn has a population of about 2,000 people, with most of its residents living in the central part of the city, near the downtown area. It is the only city in the state to have a mayor and a council of up to five members. The Mayor's office is located in a building that is also home to the city's municipal court and jail, as well as the City Hall and City Hall Auditorium, which is located on the second floor of the Justice building. For confidential support call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see for details. In the U.S. call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255 or visit For support in the UK, call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 or visit the UK Samaritans.
Public schools are administered by the Auburn School District. The district is larger than the city itself, serving the neighboring towns of Algona and Pacific, as well as some unincorporated areas around Auburn and Kent. High schools include Auburn High School, Mountainview High School and Riverside High School. Private and alternative schools include Adventist Academy and Holy Family School. College includes Green River College, Holy Family College, and Auburn College of the Arts. Public schools include public and private elementary and middle schools, private and alternative high schools, and private and private high schools. public schools include high and private schools. private schools include private schools, Adventist academies, and public colleges and universities. The city of Auburn has a population of around 2,000. It is located in the central part of the state. The state's largest city is Auburn, which has an estimated population of 1,800,000, with a population growth rate of 1.7% per year. The largest city in the state is Kent, which is home to more than 1,100,000 people, and has an unemployment rate of 0.7%. The city's largest employer is Auburn University, with an enrollment of about 1,200,000 students. The school district has a budget of more than $1.2 million, with the majority of its students attending public schools. It also has a large number of private schools and other non-public schools, such as private academies and private day care centers.
Air Quality, Water Quality, Superfund Sites & UV Index
The Air Quality index is in Auburn, King County, Washington = 36. These Air Quality index is based on annual reports from the EPA. Higher values are better (100=best). The number of ozone alert days is used as an indicator of air quality, as are the amounts of seven pollutants including particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, and volatile organic chemicals. The Water Quality Index is 60. A measure of the quality of an area’s water supply as rated by the EPA. Higher values are better (100=best). The EPA has a complex method of measuring the watershed quality, using 15 indicators such as pollutants, turbidity, sediments, and toxic discharges. The Superfund Sites Index is 20. Higher is better (100=best). Based upon the number and impact of EPA Superfund pollution sites in the county, including spending on the cleanup efforts. The UV Index in Auburn = 2.6 and is a measure of an area's exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. This is most often a combination of sunny weather, altitude, and latitude. The UV Index has been defined by the WHO ( and is uniform worldwide.
The most recent city population of 87,256 individuals with a median age of 36.9 age the population grows by 14.46% in Auburn, King County, Washington population since 2000 and are distributed over a density of 2,754.30 residents per square mile of area (1,063.45/km²). There are average 2.49 people per household in the 18,287 households with an average household income of $46,529 a year. The unemployment rate in Alabama is 9.80% of the available work force and has dropped -0.92% over the most recent 12-month period and the projected change in job supply over the next decade based on migration patterns, economic growth, and other factors will increase by 28.36%. The number of physicians in Auburn per 100,000 population = 334.8.
The annual rainfall in Auburn = 39.1 inches and the annual snowfall = 3.7 inches. The annual number of days with measurable precipitation (over .01 inch) = 158. The average number of days per year that are predominantly sunny = 151. 78 degrees Fahrenheit is the average daily high temperature for the month of July and 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit is the average daily low temperature for the month of January. The Comfort Index (higher=better) is 72, where higher values mean a more pleasant climate. The Comfort Index measure recognizes that humidity by itself isn't the problem. (Have you noticed nobody ever complains about the weather being 'cold and humid?) It's in the summertime that we notice the humidity the most, when it's hot and muggy. Our Comfort Index uses a combination of afternoon summer temperature and humidity to closely predict the effect that the humidity will have on people.
Median Home Cost
The percentage of housing units in Auburn, King County, Washington which are owned by the occupant = 52.26%. A housing unit is a house, apartment, mobile home, or room occupied as separate living quarters. The average age of homes = 29 years with median home cost = $211,560 and home appreciation of -11.17%. This is the value of the years most recent home sales data. Its important to note that this is not the average (or arithmetic mean). The median home price is the middle value when you arrange all the sales prices of homes from lowest to highest. This is a better indicator than the average, because the median is not changed as much by a few unusually high or low values. The property tax rate of $10.66 shown here is the rate per $1,000 of home value. If for simplification for example the tax rate is $14.00 and the home value is $250,000, the property tax would be $14.00 x ($250,000/1000), or $3500. This is the 'effective' tax rate.
The local school district spends $4,608 per student. There are 20.4 students for each teacher in the school, 454 students for each Librarian and 411 students for each Counselor. 8.64% of the area’s population over the age of 25 with an Associate Degree or other 2-year college degree, 11.84% with a master’s degree, Ph.D. or other advanced college degree and 4.61% with high school diplomas or high school equivalency degrees (GEDs).
Auburn's population in King County, Washington of 1,573 residents in 1900 has increased 55,47-fold to 87,256 residents after 120 years, according to the official 2020 census.
Approximately 50.12% female residents and 49.88% male residents live in Auburn, King County, Washington.
As of 2020 in Auburn, King County, Washington are married and the remaining 46.81% are single population.
30.7 minutes is the average time that residents in Auburn require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
72.76% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 15.06% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 4.90% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 2.85% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Auburn, King County, Washington, 52.26% are owner-occupied homes, another 42.86% are rented apartments, and the remaining 4.88% are vacant.
The 35.07% of the population in Auburn, King County, Washington who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.