Zip code area 29678 in Seneca, Oconee County, SC
- State:South CarolinaCounties:Oconee County,Pickens CountyCities:SenecaCounties all:Oconee | PickensCounty FIPS:45073 | 45077Area total:87.328 sq miArea land:79.774 sq miArea water:7.554 sq miElevation:1.799 feet
- Latitude:34,6631Longitude:-82,9404Dman name cbsa:Seneca SCTimezone:Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5:00; Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) UTC-4:00Coordinates:34.63301, -82.94107GMAP:
South Carolina 29678, USA
- Population:22,983 individualsPopulation density:4,293.43 people per square milesHouseholds:7,334Unemployment rate:6.5%Household income:$45,457 average annual incomeHousing units:11,380 residential housing unitsHealth insurance:9.8% of residents who report not having health insuranceVeterans:0.8% of residents who are veterans
The ZIP 29678 is a South ZIP code and located in the preferred city/town Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina with a population estimated today at about 25.401 peoples. The preferred city may be different from the city where the zip code 29678 is located. Seneca is usually the name of the main post office. When sending a package or mail, always indicate your preferred or accepted cities. Using any city from the list of invalid cities may result in delays.
Living in the postal code area 29678 of Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina 48.0% of population who are male and 52.0% who are female.
The median age for all people, for males & for females based on 2020 Census data. Median is the middle value, when all possible values are listed in order. Median is not the same as Average (or Mean).
Household income staggered according to certain income ranges.
The median commute time of resident workers require for a one-way commute to work in minutes.
The distribution of different age groups in the population of the zip code area of Seneca, Oconee County 29678.
The percentage distribution of the population by race.
Estimated residential value of individual residential buildings as a percentage.
The age of the building does not always say something about the structural condition of the residential buildings.
The percentage of education level of the population.
Oconee County
- State:South CarolinaCounty:Oconee CountyZips:29665,29633,29679,29658,29686,29664,29643,29676,29696,29693,29691,29672,29678Coordinates:34.75350037438026, -83.06590240799582Area total:673.71 sq. mi., 1744.90 sq. km, 431173.12 acresArea land:626.52 sq. mi., 1622.67 sq. km, 400971.52 acresArea water:47.19 sq. mi., 122.22 sq. km, 30201.60 acresEstablished:1868Capital seat:
Address: 415 S Pine St
County Courthouse
Walhalla, SC 29691-2145
Governing Body: County Council with 5 board size
Governing Authority: Home Rule
Oconee County, South Carolina, United States
- Website:
- Population:78,607; Population change: 5.84% (2010 - 2020)Population density:125 persons per square mileHousehold income:$41,710Households:30,253Unemployment rate:5.40% per 35,056 county labor force
- Sales taxes:6.00%Income taxes:7.00%GDP:$3.68 B, gross domestic product (GDP)
Oconee County's population of South Carolina of 28,916 residents in 1930 has increased 2,72-fold to 78,607 residents after 90 years, according to the official 2020 census. U.S. Bureau of the Census beginning in 1900. Data for 1870-1890 are on a de facto or unspecified basis; data for 1900 and later years are resident totals.
Approximately 50.83% female residents and 49.17% male residents live in as of 2020, 65.95% in Oconee County, South Carolina are married and the remaining 34.05% are single population.
As of 2020, 65.95% in Oconee County, South Carolina are married and the remaining 34.05% are single population.
- Housing units:40,788 residential units of which 81.50% share occupied residential units.
24.7 minutes is the average time that residents in Oconee County require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
81.67% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 14.52% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 0.27% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 2.12% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Oconee County, South Carolina 64.74% are owner-occupied homes, another 17.05% are rented apartments, and the remaining 18.22% are vacant.
The 57.22% of the population in Oconee County, South Carolina who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.
Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party (here in 2022 = 67.980%) and the Democratic Party (here in 2022 = 30.450%) of those eligible to vote in Oconee County, South Carolina.
Seneca, South Carolina
- State:South CarolinaCounty:Oconee CountyCity:SenecaCounty FIPS:45073Coordinates:34°41′3″N 82°57′21″WArea total:8.30 sq mi (21.49 km²)Area land:8.24 sq mi (21.35 km²)Area water:0.05 sq mi (0.14 km²)Elevation:951 ft (290 m)
- Latitude:34,6858Longitude:-82,9483Dman name cbsa:Seneca, SCTimezone:Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5:00; Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) UTC-4:00ZIP codes:29672,29678,29679GMAP:
Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina, United States
- Population:1,330Population density:1,073.64 residents per square mile of area (414.55/km²)Household income:$37,880Households:3,419Unemployment rate:14.30%
- Sales taxes:6.00%Income taxes:7.00%
Seneca is a city in Oconee County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 8,102 at the 2010 census. It is the principal city of the Seneca Micropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) that includes all of Oconees County. Seneca was named for the nearby Cherokee town of Isunigu, which English colonists knew as "Seneca Town" In the antebellum period, this area was part of the Pickens District, South. Carolina. The town was given a charter by the state legislature on March 14, 1874. In 1908, the name was changed to the shorter Seneca. The first school was built in 1874, and Seneca Junior College was established here in 1899 as an historically black college. In the late 20th century, major dam projects were constructed n the Keowee and other local rivers, to support recreation and public utilities. These projects created three major lakes: Lake Hartwell in 1963, LakeKeowee in 1971, and Lake Jocassee in 1974, stimulating development in Seneca and the region. The community also was home to the SenECA Institute, which was reserved for African-American students until 1939. The district consists of a number of homes and three churches that were built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It also includes a log cabin from the mid nineteenth century that was moved from South Carolina and moved from Long Creek to Long Creek in South Carolina. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. In April 2020, a EF3 tornado struck south of the high-end residential areas of Seneca, damaging or destroying many buildings.
Seneca was founded in 1873, during the Reconstruction era, as the railroad town "Seneca City" The town was given a charter by the state legislature on March 14, 1874. Textile mills were built in the area; a plant-and-mill village was built in 1893 by the Courtenay Manufacturing Company in Newry. The community also was home of the Seneca Institute - Seneca Junior College, established here in 1899 as an historically black college. In the late 20th century, major dam projects were constructed n the Keowee and other local rivers, to support recreation and public utilities. These projects created three major lakes: Lake Hartwell in 1963, LakeKeowee in 1971, and Lake Jocassee in 1974, stimulating development in Seneca and the region. Duke Power's Oconee Nuclear Station was built on Lake KeowEE, drawing cooling water for its operations from the lake. The recreation provided by the lakes, and other attractions, such as nearby Clemson University attracted many retirees from other parts of the country. Concerned about over-development, some residents formed the Friends of Lake KeOWee Society (FOLKS) to advocate for balance. Early on April 13th, 2020, a high-end EF3 tornado struck residential areas of south and east of Seneca. Many buildings were damaged or destroyed and one person was killed. Many other textile mills were developed in this area. These plants were the main industry for Seneca for the first half of the twentieth century.
National Register of Historic Places listings
In and around Seneca, there are a number of historic buildings and districts that are on the National Register of Historic Places. Ram Cat Alley Historic District was listed in 2000. The name of the street came from cats that gathered around a meat market. Many of these buildings have been rejuvenated and now house restaurants, shops, and professional offices. The South Carolina Department of Archives and History has additional pictures and information, a copy of the nomination form, and a map. It is a historic textile mill village near Seneca. The district includes a log cabin from the mid nineteenth century that was moved from Long Creek, South Carolina. It also includes a library at Seneca Junior College and a farm that was once owned by the Angus Angus Company. It includes a church that was built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was the site of the first African-American church in South Carolina, which was established in 1872. The church was later moved to a new location in the town of Newry. It has been listed as a national historic site since 1974. It now houses the South Carolina Museum of History and Art and the Seneca Museum of Science and Art. The museum is located in Seneca and has a collection of more than 1,000 pieces of art, including many pieces from the 1800s and early 1900s. There is also a museum of South Carolina Civil War history, which dates back to the 18th century. The state's oldest public library is located at Newry and dates to the 17th century, when it was founded.
The city is located at 34°413N 82°5721W (34.684145, -82.955778) It has a total area of 7.1 square miles (18 km²), of which 7.0 square miles is land and 0.04 square miles are water. The city is home to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has been stationed in the area since the early 1900s. It is also known as "Seneca" because of its location in the mountains. It was named after the Seneca River, which runs through the center of the city. The town's name is derived from Seneca, which means "the river" or "the stream" in Spanish. It also means "home" in English, which is the name of the town's first post office, which was established in 1788. It has been known as Seneca since the 19th century, when it was first settled by Native Americans. The name is now used to refer to the town of Seneca in New Mexico, where it was once part of the United States. It became a part of New Mexico in the early 20th century when it became a state. In the 1930s and 1940s, Seneca was the site of the first census, when the city was first recorded as a city. It now has a population of 1,854. It lies at an altitude of 34.3 miles (82.7 kilometers).
As of the 2020 U.S. census, there were 8,850 people, 4,043 households, and 2,138 families residing in the city. The racial makeup of the city was 63.32% White, 33.77% African American, 0.31% Native American,0.63% Asian and 0.01% Pacific Islander. The city's median income was $32,643, and the median income for a family was $44,487. About 13.0% of families and 15.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 23.4% of those under age 18 and 16.4 per cent of those age 65 or over. The average household size was 2.32 and the average family size was2.93. The median age was 38 years. For every 100 females, there are 87.5 males. The per capita income for the city is $18,498. It is the second-smallest city in the state of New Hampshire. It has a population of 7,652 and a population density of 1,084.6 people per square mile (418.5/km²) The city is located on the New Hampshire Turnpike, which runs through the state's southern tip. It was the site of the U.N. World Trade Organization's World Trade Center summit in 2001. It also hosted the World Economic Forum's World Summit in 2007, which was attended by President Barack Obama.
Seneca City Hall is located on North First Street, in the center of the historic (downtown) area of Seneca. The City Hall Complex holds the Seneca Police Dept, Seneca Light and Water, as well as the offices of the Mayor and City Administrator. Seneca Fire Department is housed on West South Fourth Street. The Fire House is just across the street from the Shaver Complex, which comprises the Shavar Civic Center, sports fields for theSeneca Recreation Department, a park for smaller children, and a rubberized soft walking track. It is also marked as Highway 123 Business by the state of New York. It was built in the early 1900s, and is one of the oldest cities in New York State. The city was founded in 1838. It has been the site of the U.S. National Guard since 1838, and has been home to the National Guard ever since. It also hosts the National Park Service, which has been based in Seneca since the early 20th century. The town is home to a number of historic buildings, including the National Museum of American History, which dates back to the early 19th century, and the National Civil Rights Museum, which was established in the mid-20th Century. The Seneca River, which runs through the city, was once the main source of water supply for the city. The river is now the source of drinking water for the town, and was once a source of electricity as well.
Seneca has a lending library, a branch of the Oconee County Public Library. It was the headquarters of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), the council that deals with the examination for engineers and surveyors. On that date, the NCEES moved to Greenville, South Carolina. Seneca is home to the Seneca High School, which was founded in 1881. It is also home to Seneca Middle School, where students learn to read and write. It also has the SenECA High School for Girls, which opened in 1883. It has a junior high, high school, and a high school for girls, all of which are located in Seneca. Seneca also has an elementary school, which is located in the town's downtown area. The high school has a senior high, which has been open since 1883, and an adult high school. The town also has a public library, which operates out of the town hall. The library is open to the public, as well as a public recreation center and a community center, which were built in the 1950s and 1960s.
Air Quality, Water Quality, Superfund Sites & UV Index
The Air Quality index is in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina = 78.6. These Air Quality index is based on annual reports from the EPA. Higher values are better (100=best). The number of ozone alert days is used as an indicator of air quality, as are the amounts of seven pollutants including particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, and volatile organic chemicals. The Water Quality Index is 99. A measure of the quality of an area’s water supply as rated by the EPA. Higher values are better (100=best). The EPA has a complex method of measuring the watershed quality, using 15 indicators such as pollutants, turbidity, sediments, and toxic discharges. The Superfund Sites Index is 98. Higher is better (100=best). Based upon the number and impact of EPA Superfund pollution sites in the county, including spending on the cleanup efforts. The UV Index in Seneca = 4.6 and is a measure of an area's exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. This is most often a combination of sunny weather, altitude, and latitude. The UV Index has been defined by the WHO ( and is uniform worldwide.
The most recent city population of 1,330 individuals with a median age of 38.3 age the population grows by 1.55% in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina population since 2000 and are distributed over a density of 1,073.64 residents per square mile of area (414.55/km²). There are average 2.27 people per household in the 3,419 households with an average household income of $37,880 a year. The unemployment rate in Alabama is 14.30% of the available work force and has dropped -6.17% over the most recent 12-month period and the projected change in job supply over the next decade based on migration patterns, economic growth, and other factors will increase by 13.36%. The number of physicians in Seneca per 100,000 population = 173.
The annual rainfall in Seneca = 52.7 inches and the annual snowfall = 3.5 inches. The annual number of days with measurable precipitation (over .01 inch) = 113. The average number of days per year that are predominantly sunny = 220. 90 degrees Fahrenheit is the average daily high temperature for the month of July and 31.3 degrees Fahrenheit is the average daily low temperature for the month of January. The Comfort Index (higher=better) is 35, where higher values mean a more pleasant climate. The Comfort Index measure recognizes that humidity by itself isn't the problem. (Have you noticed nobody ever complains about the weather being 'cold and humid?) It's in the summertime that we notice the humidity the most, when it's hot and muggy. Our Comfort Index uses a combination of afternoon summer temperature and humidity to closely predict the effect that the humidity will have on people.
Median Home Cost
The percentage of housing units in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina which are owned by the occupant = 53.33%. A housing unit is a house, apartment, mobile home, or room occupied as separate living quarters. The average age of homes = 33 years with median home cost = $121,870 and home appreciation of -5.08%. This is the value of the years most recent home sales data. Its important to note that this is not the average (or arithmetic mean). The median home price is the middle value when you arrange all the sales prices of homes from lowest to highest. This is a better indicator than the average, because the median is not changed as much by a few unusually high or low values. The property tax rate of $3.98 shown here is the rate per $1,000 of home value. If for simplification for example the tax rate is $14.00 and the home value is $250,000, the property tax would be $14.00 x ($250,000/1000), or $3500. This is the 'effective' tax rate.
The local school district spends $4,633 per student. There are 10.2 students for each teacher in the school, 454 students for each Librarian and 384 students for each Counselor. 4.69% of the area’s population over the age of 25 with an Associate Degree or other 2-year college degree, 12.65% with a master’s degree, Ph.D. or other advanced college degree and 9.87% with high school diplomas or high school equivalency degrees (GEDs).
Seneca's population in Oconee County, South Carolina of 5,389 residents in 1930 has dropped 0,25-fold to 1,330 residents after 120 years, according to the official 2020 census.
Approximately 53.00% female residents and 47.00% male residents live in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina.
As of 2020 in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina are married and the remaining 43.14% are single population.
19.3 minutes is the average time that residents in Seneca require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
78.90% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 18.49% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 0.17% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 0.95% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina, 53.33% are owner-occupied homes, another 34.96% are rented apartments, and the remaining 11.71% are vacant.
The 57.22% of the population in Seneca, Oconee County, South Carolina who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.