Zip code area 18051 in Fogelsville, Lehigh County, PA
- State:PennsylvaniaCounties:Lehigh CountyCities:FogelsvilleCounty FIPS:42077Area total:8.005 sq miArea land:7.993 sq miArea water:0.012 sq miElevation:3.204 feet
- Latitude:40,5885Longitude:-75,6491Dman name cbsa:Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton PA-NJTimezone:Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5:00; Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) UTC-4:00Coordinates:40.59337, -75.66623GMAP:
Pennsylvania 18051, USA
- Population:3,102 individualsPopulation density:5,787.64 people per square milesHouseholds:10Unemployment rate:2.7%Household income:$118,352 average annual incomeHousing units:1,298 residential housing unitsHealth insurance:0.3% of residents who report not having health insuranceVeterans:0.4% of residents who are veterans
The ZIP 18051 is a Northeast ZIP code and located in the preferred city/town Fogelsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania with a population estimated today at about 3.891 peoples. The preferred city may be different from the city where the zip code 18051 is located. Fogelsville is usually the name of the main post office. When sending a package or mail, always indicate your preferred or accepted cities. Using any city from the list of invalid cities may result in delays.
Living in the postal code area 18051 of Fogelsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania 50.9% of population who are male and 49.1% who are female.
The median age for all people, for males & for females based on 2020 Census data. Median is the middle value, when all possible values are listed in order. Median is not the same as Average (or Mean).
Household income staggered according to certain income ranges.
The median commute time of resident workers require for a one-way commute to work in minutes.
The distribution of different age groups in the population of the zip code area of Fogelsville, Lehigh County 18051.
The percentage distribution of the population by race.
Estimated residential value of individual residential buildings as a percentage.
The age of the building does not always say something about the structural condition of the residential buildings.
The percentage of education level of the population.
Lehigh County
- State:PennsylvaniaCounty:Lehigh CountyZips:18016,18016,18060,18068,18046,18105,18079,18052,18065,18059,18053,18195,18106,18092,18011,18087,18051,18031,18037,18066,18032,18069,18078,18080,18034,18036,18062,18101,18106,18049,18052,18109,18102,18018,18103,18104Coordinates:40.612700728303935, -75.59236952490515Area total:348.22 sq. mi., 901.88 sq. km, 222859.52 acresArea land:345.29 sq. mi., 894.31 sq. km, 220988.16 acresArea water:2.92 sq. mi., 7.57 sq. km, 1871.36 acresEstablished:1812Capital seat:
Address: 17 S 7Th St
County Courthouse
Allentown, PA 18101-2401
Governing Body: Board of Commissioners with 9 board size
Governing Authority: Home Rule
Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States
- Website:
- Population:374,557; Population change: 7.17% (2010 - 2020)Population density:1,085 persons per square mileHousehold income:$52,258Households:133,618Unemployment rate:9.60% per 191,388 county labor force
- Sales taxes:6.00%Income taxes:3.57%GDP:$21.59 B, gross domestic product (GDP)
Lehigh County's population of Pennsylvania of 172,893 residents in 1930 has increased 2,17-fold to 374,557 residents after 90 years, according to the official 2020 census. U.S. Bureau of the Census beginning in 1900. Data for 1870-1890 are on a de facto or unspecified basis; data for 1900 and later years are resident totals.
Approximately 51.30% female residents and 48.70% male residents live in as of 2020, 58.99% in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania are married and the remaining 41.01% are single population.
As of 2020, 58.99% in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania are married and the remaining 41.01% are single population.
- Housing units:149,830 residential units of which 95.42% share occupied residential units.
24 minutes is the average time that residents in Lehigh County require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
82.57% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 9.48% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 1.45% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 2.79% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania 66.71% are owner-occupied homes, another 28.38% are rented apartments, and the remaining 4.92% are vacant.
The 54.80% of the population in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.
Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party (here in 2022 = 41.570%) and the Democratic Party (here in 2022 = 57.120%) of those eligible to vote in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
Fogelsville, Pennsylvania
- State:PennsylvaniaCounty:Lehigh CountyCity:FogelsvilleCounty FIPS:42077Coordinates:40°34′59″N 75°37′58″WElevation:146 m (479 ft)
- Latitude:40,5885Longitude:-75,6491Dman name cbsa:Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJTimezone:Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5:00; Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) UTC-4:00ZIP codes:18051GMAP:
Fogelsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States
- Population:2,732Unemployment rate:9.30%
Fogelsville is a village in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. It is a suburb of Allentown, in Upper Macungie Township, and is part of the Lehigh Valley. The 1990 census reported a population of 900, although a more recent estimate places the population at approximately 3200. The town is known as a large regional trucking hub. One of the four Yocco's Hot Dogs restaurants, known nationally for their hot dogs and cheesesteaks, is located in Fogelsville, on Pennsylvania Route 100. The village was once the terminus of the Catasauqua and Fogelsvillle Railroad, and the site of extensive iron ore mining to supply the Le high Valley's iron furnaces. Penn State Lehigh Valley, a satellite campus of Penn State University, was also located in fogelsville prior to its 2009 move to Center Valley. It was the 68th most populous metropolitan area in the U.S. as of the 2020 census. It has a ZIP code of 18051 and is located at approximately 40° 34 59.45 N, 75° 37 57.37 W. It is located near Interstate 78 and Route 100, which intersect in a cloverleaf, which is one of the busiest roads in the western Lehigh valley. The area is known for its large industrial parks and corporate centers, including Yoc co's, a well-known hot dog restaurant, and Pennsylvania State University's Center Valley campus.
Industry and education
Fogelsville was once the terminus of the Catasauqua and Fogelsville Railroad. It was also the site of extensive iron ore mining to supply the Lehigh Valley's iron furnaces. One of the four Yocco's Hot Dogs restaurants is located in the town. Penn State Le high Valley, a satellite campus of Penn State University, was also located there. The town is located on Pennsylvania Route 100, near Rittenhouse Gap. It is now part of the Center Valley area of Pennsylvania. It has a population of about 2,000, including about 1,000 residents. The city is home to the Pennsylvania State Fair, which runs through the end of the year. It also hosts a number of other events, such as the Pennsylvania International Film Festival and the Pennsylvania Film Festival of the Arts and Sciences, which ends on October 31, 2013. The community also has a large number of residents who live in and around the town of Center Valley, which is located just south of the town's central business district. In the town, there are also many businesses, including a variety of hotels and restaurants. The area is also home to one of Pennsylvania's largest public high schools, Penn State Lehigh Valley, which opened in the 1970s. It closed in 2009 and moved to Center Valley in the 1990s, leaving the town in the middle of the state's college and university system. It's also the home of the Pennsylvania National Guard, which was based in the area for much of its history.
Fogelsville's population in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania of 1,125 residents in 1900 has increased 2,43-fold to 2,732 residents after 120 years, according to the official 2020 census.