This page offers you significant information about United Chocolate Corporation based in Brooklyn, including its location, the contact details, email address, and website link. The establishment is situated in a bustling commercial district.
- Company Name:United Chocolate CorporationState:New YorkCounty:Kings CountyCity:BrooklynStreet:4801 1st AveZIP:11232Employee:1Salesvol:0.00
- Contact Name:COOPhone:(718) 788-8555
4801 1st Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232
If you have any inquiries regarding United Chocolate Corporation, you may reach COO, at United Chocolate Corporation, through the provided contact numbers or by checking their website. The company holds a rating that is subpar. The nearby area is home to many businesses that can be compared to this one. So far, just a few customers have evaluated United Chocolate Corporation. Need help getting to United Chocolate Corporation by car? "My Route" can provide you with directions from your starting point to 4801 1st Ave in Brooklyn.
For more information about United Chocolate Corporation products and services, you can directly communicate with COO. The opening times are uncertain, but they can be found on the website.
Get in touch with United Chocolate Corporation from abroad by calling (718) 788-8555. You can speak directly with COO, of United Chocolate Corporation, or another representative for more information.
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