- State:MontanaCounty:Chouteau CountyZips:59450,59440,59420,59460,59446,59520,59442Coordinates:47.88058385741848, -110.43522394559648Area total:3996.70 sq. mi., 10351.39 sq. km, 2557884.80 acresArea land:3972.54 sq. mi., 10288.82 sq. km, 2542424.32 acresArea water:24.16 sq. mi., 62.57 sq. km, 15460.48 acresEstablished:1865Capital seat:
Fort Benton
Address: PO BOX 459
County Courthouse
Fort Benton, MT 59442-0459
Governing Body: Board of Commissioners with 3 board size
Governing Authority: Home Rule
Chouteau County, Montana, United States
- Website:
- Population:5,895; Population change: 1.41% (2010 - 2020)Population density:1.48 persons per square mileHousehold income:$39,983Households:1,909Unemployment rate:3.90% per 2,454 county labor force
- Income taxes:6.90%GDP:$276.00 M, gross domestic product (GDP)
Chouteau County's population of Montana of 8,635 residents in 1930 has dropped 0,68-fold to 5,895 residents after 90 years, according to the official 2020 census. U.S. Bureau of the Census beginning in 1900. Data for 1870-1890 are on a de facto or unspecified basis; data for 1900 and later years are resident totals.
Approximately 49.93% female residents and 50.07% male residents live in as of 2020, 64.62% in Chouteau County, Montana are married and the remaining 35.38% are single population.
As of 2020, 64.62% in Chouteau County, Montana are married and the remaining 35.38% are single population.
- Housing units:2,843 residential units of which 80.58% share occupied residential units.
21 minutes is the average time that residents in Chouteau County require for a one-way commute to work. A long commute can have different effects on health. A Gallup poll in the US found that in terms of mental health, long haul commuters are up to 12 percent more likely to experience worry, and ten percent less likely to feel well rested. The Gallup poll also found that of people who commute 61–90 minutes each day, a whopping one third complained of neck and back pain, compared to less than a quarter of people who only spend ten minutes getting to work.
61.19% of the working population which commute to work alone in their car, 11.35% of the working population which commutes to work in a carpool, 0.63% of the population that commutes using mass transit, including bus, light rail, subway, and ferry. 14.55% of the population that has their home as their principal place of work.
Of the total residential buildings in Chouteau County, Montana 48.69% are owner-occupied homes, another 23.05% are rented apartments, and the remaining 28.27% are vacant.
The 98.34% of the population in Chouteau County, Montana who identify themselves as belonging to a religion are distributed among the following most diverse religions.
Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party (here in 2022 = 57.110%) and the Democratic Party (here in 2022 = 39.220%) of those eligible to vote in Chouteau County, Montana.