This page provides comprehensive information about Munk Pack situated in Greenwich, such as its address, point of contact, email, and website. This company is considered a comparatively small employer, with 2 employees on staff. Munk Pack is a reputable manufacturer of keto bars and other low sugar, gluten free and plant based products. We create innovative, delicious snacks that never compromise taste for nutrition so our customers can always enjoy best tasting snacks without missing out on the nutritional benefits. Our products are also non GMO and do not contain sugar alcohols. Through Munk Pack, we are empowering people to lead active, healthy lifestyles on the go. Try our Keto Granola Bar, Keto Nut & Seed Bar or Protein Cookie today! The establishment is situated in an area with a significant commercial presence. The business hours are indicated, but for peace of mind, verify on the website.
- Company Name:Munk PackState:ConnecticutCounty:Fairfield CountyCity:GreenwichStreet:222 Railroad AveZIP:06830Employee:2Salesvol:0.00
- Office Hours:Sunday: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Monday: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Tuesday: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Wednesday: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Thursday: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
222 Railroad Ave, Greenwich, CT 06830
The phone numbers listed here can be used to get in touch with CTO, of Munk Pack for inquiries regarding Munk Pack, or you can find the relevant contact information on Munk Pack's homepage. The business has a rating that is underwhelming. So far, only a handful of customers have given their feedback on Munk Pack. "My Route" can be utilized to provide you with driving directions to Munk Pack at 222 Railroad Ave in Greenwich.
Get in touch with Munk Pack directly, CTO will be able to provide information about their offerings.
If you are not located in Fairfield County, reach out to Munk Pack by calling (469) 848-3716. You can speak directly with CTO, of Munk Pack, or another representative for more information.
If your company in Greenwich or any other part of Fairfield County is not yet listed, you can submit your business and its page through [Add company] in the menu.